Ms Lauren Sullivan

Senior Lecturer in Speech Pathology

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Bedford Park (7E109.1)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia
Key responsibilities

Interim Course Coordinator Master of Speech Pathology

Topic Coordinator SPTH1201, 1105, 2903, 2904, 9125


Topic coordinator
SPTH1105 Child Development and Learning
SPTH9125 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 3
SPTH1201 Psychosocial aspects of Speech Pathology
SPTH2903 Clinical Skills and Practice 1A
SPTH2904 Clinical Skills and Practice 2A
Topic lecturer
SPTH9127 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 4
SPTH9125 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 3
SPTH1104 Introduction to Clinical Skills
SPTH1105 Child Development and Learning
SPTH9122 Speech Pathology Skills and Practice 1
SPTH1201 Psychosocial Aspects of Speech Pathology
SPTH2901 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 1A
SPTH2902 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 2A
SPTH3907 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 3B
SPTH9124 Speech Pathology Skills and Practice 2