2 x 50-minute lectures weekly
5 x 3-hour laboratories per semester
1 x 3-hour computer lab weekly
1 Admission into GDPCT-Graduate Diploma in Clean Technology
1a Admission into MNT-Master of Nanotechnology
1b Admission into GDPNT-Graduate Diploma in Nanotechnology
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b))
Enrolment not permitted
CTEC2101 has been successfully completed
Topic description
The topic will explore the fundamental sciences core to clean technology, It will explore the science of various environmental, ecological and industrial process, their consequences and impacts on society and the environment. It will highlight novel and cutting edge approaches used in both implementing and evaluating clean technologies. Additionally the topic will explore the basics of business operations and how they apply to the innovation cycle in companies that have science at their core.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to provide students with the knowledge to understand important environmental, ecological and industrial processes, their impact on society and the environment and potential approaches to minimise those impacts. The topic will also discuss the basics of business operation and how science is performed in the commercial environment. The topic will ensure that students can:

  1. Understand and apply modern scientific principles in clean technology
  2. Retrieve and present scientific information both orally and in writing to scientific and non-scientific audiences
  3. Show proficiency in critical analysis of information and a capacity to solve problems
  4. Analyse and evaluate numerical data
  5. Appreciate the role of science in business
  6. Understand current industrial practices related to clean technologies and their financial, social and environmental issues and potential solutions to these issues
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of this topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of the scientific principles involved in clean technology
  2. Demonstrate practical skills in the scientific principles involved in clean technology
  3. Investigate a broad range of scientific and non-scientific problems through critical analysis
  4. Appreciate the environmental and socio-economic issues involved in the development of new technologies
  5. Use oral, written and interpersonal communication