12 x 1-hour lectures per semester
1 x 5-day field placement once-only
1 EDUC2425 - Professional Experience: Year 2B (Primary R-7)
2 18 units of EDUC topics
3 72 units of study
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2 and 3)
Topic description
This topic will prepare students for their first block of sustained teaching practice in professional experience. Students will also observe in the classroom and work with their mentor teacher in preparation for the 4-week teaching block in semester two.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • ensure the students understand the legal and professional requirements of teachers and of them as pre-service teachers when they undertake professional experiences

  • help the students plan for effective learning about teaching while undertaking professional experiences over a sustained period of time (4 weeks)

  • ensure that the students understand the most significant aspects of their behaviours and performance in the classroom while practising the art of teaching
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • interact appropriately with all members of a school community

  • practise assuming the role of the teacher with the guidance of a registered teacher

  • assume responsibility for working with and teaching groups of children within the classroom and with the guidance of a registered teacher

  • plan for, prepare for and manage learning experiences for a whole class with the support and guidance of the class teacher