1 x 3-hour seminar-1 weekly

9 x 3-hour seminar-1 per semester
2 x 3-hour seminar -2 per semester
1 Admission into MTEC-Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
1a Admission into MED-Master of Education
1b Admission into MLE-Master of Leadership in Education
1c Admission into GCE-Graduate Certificate in Education
1d Admission into MEDUA-Master of Education
1e Admission into MLEA-Master of Leadership in Education
2 1 of EDUC9120, EDUC9222
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e) and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of EDUC2303, EDUC2421, EDUC9104 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
High level of literacy & numeracy competence assumed
Topic description
The Numerate and Literate Infant examines a complex body of knowledge, including child development, sociology and curriculum theory and research. The topic uses a case study approach to interpret, critically analyse and apply knowledge of very young children’s perceptual, sensory and communicative capabilities. Specifically, the infant/toddlers’ emerging sense of abstract and symbolic thought are studied, as active participants in the numerate and literate world around them. The role that their social interactions, play, emerging cultural understandings and explorations have in this learning are examined through contemporary Australian and international Early Childhood discourse in this area.

Building on the planning and execution of this case study research, students will be responsible for developing a play-based numeracy and literacy program for a local community group (e.g. playgroup, family support program, library program, rural support group for families with young children). Through a continuous process of reflexive inquiry, this program will enable students to work collaboratively and creatively to nurture and extend very young children’s numeracy and literacy learning within the program’s local community context.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • provide students with opportunities to demonstrate an advanced and in-depth understanding of the numeracy and literacy learning of infants and toddlers

  • assist students to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories relevant to the infant/toddlers’ emerging sense of abstract and symbolic thought, within local community contexts

  • support students to employ expert judgement, reflexivity and adaptability in the collaborative development of a numeracy and literacy community program for very young children
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • implement a play-based numeracy and literacy program for very young children that will be sustainable within its local community context

  • prepare an analytical report on a case study that recognises and documents very young children’s numeracy and literacy capabilities, as well as their ongoing learning needs

  • reflectively apply advanced understandings of culture (including Indigenous perspectives), theoretical knowledge, research scholarship and professional observation to practice, relevant to the topic syllabus