1 x 1-hour supervised study fortnightly
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
^ ENGL7710A - Thesis Part A
Topic description
A thesis is a substantial component of the honours year, and this topic is taken in conjunction with ENGL7710A, to form an 18 unit thesis. Students will explore, in depth, a facet of either English literature, or creative writing, such as genre, epoch, schools etc. The area of study must be developed in consultation with the supervisor.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • instil in students an awareness of the creative and/or critical methodologies that they use in their creative and/or critical practices

  • extend students’ ability to produce an extended piece of writing

  • develop honours level research and communication skills
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • undertake independent research, including research activities including database/internet research, ethical research, primary and secondary analysis,

  • apply secondary material and theory, and advanced creative/critical writing skills to an extended piece of writing

  • demonstrate the ability to communicate research skills and knowledge via oral and written communication/assessment