1 x 120-minute lecture weekly
1 x 60-minute tutorial weekly
1 x 120-minute computer lab weekly
1 of ENGR3871, ENGR8971
Topic description
This topic presents the general principles of transport planning and travel demand modelling, introducing the transport system planning process and its components. The topic will focus on the traditional "four-step" model, consisting of trip generation, trip distribution, modal choice and trip assignment with the extension to trip timing. It will evaluate and synthesise transport models at various scales (macro, meso, micro and nano). Themes to be covered include urban transport planning concepts, performance and design of transport networks, data requirements and interpretation, transport behaviour representation and software packages. Some of the world's leading transport modelling software will be used in the process of model creation.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to present planning and modelling solution methods for issue affecting transport network supply and operations. Students will develop familiarity with the tools available in the evaluation of current system state and for the assessment of alternative transport scheme impacts. This topic aims to provide students with skills to design and evaluate feasible transport systems.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of this topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Understand transport system components and interrelationships between them
  2. Critically review transport modelling software used on all modelling levels
  3. Create and evaluate travel demand forecasting models
  4. Evaluate transportation projects in terms of their cost and impacts
  5. Analyse and interpret modelling outcomes in terms of key transport performance indicators