Internal Availability
1 x 240-minute Online-Exercises weekly
1 x 60-minute Tutorial Weekly
1 x 60-minute Laboratory Weekly

Distance Ed Availability
4 x 60-minute Online-Exercises Weekly
Enrolment not permitted
ENVH8721 has been successfully completed
Topic description
The topic presents an introduction to toxicology as it is used in environmental health. The topic presents the basic principles of toxicology including toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, and adsorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of toxicants. Toxicants are examined by class (different types of toxicants), by system (the target organs they affect) and by population type (the susceptible populations most at risk of effect). Case studies are used to examine the pathways of exposure and health impacts of toxic chemicals. Risk assessment is presented as a tool to assess the hazard and exposure associated with specific toxins. The administrative and regulatory tools that are currently used in toxicology are also examined. The topic also considers the paradigms that underpin risk assessment and risk management strategies.
Educational aims
  1. Explore the principles of toxicology including toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, and adsorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of toxicants
  2. Consider the role of physiological health and the role of physical environments as determinants of health
  3. Consider the tools used in environmental health and toxicology, especially risk assessment and regulatory and administrative frameworks.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of toxicology, including toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics and adsorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of toxicants, and how these are measured and quantified
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of human physiology and how this impacts on susceptibility and therefore risk
  3. Use risk assessment as a tool in toxicology as it is used in environmental health
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the regulatory and administrative tools that are used in toxicology, how they are developed and implemented, and the uncertainties associated with regulating toxicology.