1 x 50-minute lecture weekly
1 x 120-minute computer lab weekly
1 x 4-hour project work weekly
1 1 of GEOG2700, GEOG1003, GEOG3013
2 36 units of topics
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of GEOG3017, GEOG3721, GEOG8751, GEOG9012, GEOG9721, WARM8757, WARM9721 has been successfully completed
Topic description
This topic offers students high-level instruction in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) building upon the knowledge acquired in GEOG2700/GEOG3013 Geographical Information Systems, or GEOG1003 Introduction to GIS. The topic will extend the students' knowledge of spatial information theory and expose them to new tools and methodologies. The topic will develop an understanding of surface interpolation methods, spatial statistics and density surface creation. This topic also provides students with opportunities to apply GIS in a variety of areas using these techniques. Density surfaces are used in portraying population densities and individual movement patterns (e.g. home ranges). Interpolated surfaces are also important in a variety of GIS applications. They are derived from discrete geographical data (for example, elevation surfaces, rainfall intensity surfaces derived from rainfall gauges, ground-water surfaces derived from well data or soil surfaces derived from borehole data). Spatial statistics extend on classical statistical measures in space and time.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of advanced GIS methodologies in the synthesis, analysis and communication of spatial information. These methodologies include surface interpolation methods, spatial statistics and density surface creation. The topic also aims to provide students with an opportunity to apply these methodologies in a range of discipline areas.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Describe a range of coordinate data transformations between datums and their limitations
  2. Describe and demonstrate a range of interpolation techniques
  3. Describe and demonstrate a range of spatial statistics techniques
  4. Describe and demonstrate density surface creation