1 x 1-hour lecture weekly
1 x 2-hour workshop weekly
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into BITDMH-Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) (Honours)
1a Admission into BITDM-Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media)
1b Admission into BSCCDM-Bachelor of Science in Computing and Digital Media
1c Admission into BMEDIACA-Bachelor of Media (Creative Arts)
1d Admission into BCACW-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
1e Admission into BCADM-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media)
1f Admission into BCADR-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama)
1g Admission into BCASC-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen)
1h Admission into BMEDIAA-Bachelor of Media Arts
1i Admission into BCAVA-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts)
1j Admission into BCPW-Bachelor of Communication and Professional Writing
1k Admission into BITR-Bachelor of International Tourism
1l Admission into BCAVEED-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design)
1m Admission into BCAHVEED-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design)
1n Admission into BMC-Bachelor of Media and Communication
1o Admission into BLITTCE-Bachelor of Letters (Creative Enterprise)
1p Admission into BLITTCEG-Bachelor of Letters (Creative Enterprise) (Graduate Entry)
1q Admission into BCAET-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Enterprise)
2 ^ VISA1001 - Visual Arts: Traditions and Theories
3 Admission into BA-Bachelor of Arts
3a Admission into BAHA-Bachelor of Arts - Enhanced Program for High Achievers
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n or 1o or 1p or 1q)) or (2 and (3 or 3a)))
Enrolment not permitted
MDIA1001 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Basic computer skills
Assignment(s); Project; Test(s); Oral; Seminar.
Topic description
The topic introduces fundamental principles of multimedia design for websites and other digital media. Students will learn to analyse, critique, and produce basic multimedia. A variety of production software will be introduced in lessons and practicals, with an emphasis on gaining skills which form the foundation for digital media production.
Educational aims
This topic aims to give students the opportunity to:

  • understand social, design and technical contexts for digital media production

  • acquire a working vocabulary relevant to understanding and expressing ideas about digital media

  • combine media theory with production practice in the recognition that they are two parts of the one whole

  • familiarise themselves with fundamental design principles
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will:

  • be able to convey ideas in a variety of digital media formats combining text and original imagery

  • have gained a working vocabulary of concepts relevant to digital media design and practices

  • have learnt to manipulate photographic works