1 x 1-hour lecture weekly
1 x 2-hour workshop weekly
1 Admission into BCADM-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media)
1a Admission into BCADMOS-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media)
1b Admission into BCAVEED-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design)
1c Admission into BCAHVEED-Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design)
1d Admission into BMC-Bachelor of Media and Communication
1e Admission into BCPW-Bachelor of Communication and Professional Writing
2 SCME1003 - Essential Multimedia
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e)) or (2))
Enrolment not permitted
MDIA2001 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Basic computer skills
Topic description
Multimedia Production builds on the practical skills and knowledge introduced in Essential Multimedia. This topic presents a practical overview of various digital media processes. A mix of design-based projects allows students to learn advanced multi-media design and production techniques while working to realistic project briefs.
Educational aims
This topic aims to allow students to:

  • gain experience working as a team member in a creative multi-media production environment

  • gain experience in a range of multi-media production techniques

  • create and manipulate composite images and digital texts

  • increase fluency with the critical vocabulary and concepts needed to discuss digital media design at a professional level
Expected learning outcomes
On completing this topic students will:

  • have become aware of a range of technical and design options contributing to high quality digital presentation

  • have demonstrated their ability to use original photographic and digital images in multi-media production

  • be able to draft the necessary pre-production documentation that guides digital production - user documentation, scoping documents, site maps, storyboards, and non-linear scripts

  • have become aware of the design principles and production processes underlying the combination of text, photographic and drawn images in an interactive, digital environment