1 x 2-hour seminar weekly
Enrolment not permitted
1 of THEO2203, THEO2216 has been successfully completed
Assignment(s), Tutorial presentation
Topic description
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • provide foundational skills in the analysis and appreciation of the genuine letters of Paul as communications addressing specific concerns of particular communities in the Mediterranean world of late antiquity

  • evaluate exegetical methods in the handling of the text of the New Testament by concentrating on the letters of Paul

  • identify and analyse the cultural influences operating on communities, leaders and text-production in the world of late antiquity

  • examine and critique the tensions and issues of multi-ethnic, environmental and political relationships in the ancient world and their impact upon the development of fledgling Christian communities

  • develop research skills in the discovery, use and application of tools and aids in a variety of media for the critical analysis of Pauline writings

  • promote an appreciation of the contribution of the Pauline corpus to ecclesial and theological formation

  • develop skills in analytical thinking, presentation of argument, communication of ideas, and quality of discussion
Expected learning outcomes
To be advised