6 x 8-hour intensive workshops per semester
Admission into MHA-Master of Hospital Administration
Course context
This topic is available to postgraduate students only
Topic description
Communication is central to all aspects of management. This topic begins with a short overview of communication theory. It then looks at all levels of communication ranging from interpersonal communication to small group dynamics, to internal and external organisational communication. Specific topics include conflict management, internal communication strategies, communication with health service consumers and their families, the critical role of communication in change management and culture change, and public relations and crisis management.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • Assist students to enhance their communication skills as managers;

  • Provide students with a theoretical and conceptual basis for undertaking a wide range of managerial communication tasks;

  • Assist students to develop a structured approach to organisational (corporate) communication;

  • Explore a number of communication issues specific to the health sector.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students should:

  • Have an understanding of communication theories and concepts;

  • Appreciate the critical role of communication in organisational culture, change management, leadership, conflict management and group dynamics;

  • Have developed insights and skills in interpersonal communication;

  • Better understand issues faced by clients, consumers and carers in communication in a clinical setting;

  • Have enhanced knowledge and skills in identifying and overcoming barriers to communication in specific settings;

  • Have a structured approach to managing the media, public relations and crises.