Emeritus Professor Jeff Fuller

Emeritus Professor

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Sturt West
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

My work in multidisciplinary public health settings in nursing, health planning and academia has focused on primary health care service flexibility and planning.

Since 2000 I have been a chief investigator on 20 research and consultancy projects worth $4.4M. These have focused mainly on how health systems can meet the needs of underserved populations. My scientific papers, reports and conference presentations (over 190) cover qualitative and quantitative methods across rural public health planning, mental health, chronic disease management, Aboriginal health and immigrant health

Recent work includes a review of the effectiveness of collaborative strategies in primary mental health care and the True Blue RCT on the practice nurse management of comorbid depression & chronic physical illness. I was a chief investigator in the Centre of Research Excellence in Primary Health Care Microsystems that examined the system of quality and safety in General Practice. My team has just completed the project “Together for the Mental Health of Older People” on the network management of integrated primary care across health, aged and social services.

Doctor of Philosophy, MSc (Primary Health Care), Grad Cert (Population Health), BN, DipAppSci (Nursing), Cert Psychiatric Nursing
Honours, awards and grants
  • Honorary Professor, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney (2010-2014)
  • Visiting Professor, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine (2014)
  • Public Health Association of Australia (SA Branch) Basil Hetzel Award for Leadership in Public Health (2015)
  • Fellow, Australian College of Nursing
Topic lecturer
NURS9999 Higher Degree Thesis
Expert for media contact
Primary health care
Available for contact via
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Media expertise
  • Nursing
  • Primary health care