1 x 1-hour lecture weekly
1 x 1-hour tutorial weekly
1 x 1-hour workshop-2 weekly
6 x 1-hour workshop-1s per semester
1 x 3-hour practical fortnightly
1 1 of BIOL1102, BIOL1203
2 1 of CHEM1101, CHEM1201, CHEM1010, CHEM1102, CHEM1202
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
BIOL8006 has been successfully completed
Topic description
In this topic, students will learn the underlying biochemistry of food and energy metabolism with a focus on carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals and the regulation of metabolism by hormones such as glucagon, adrenaline and insulin. Students will gain an overview of the most important enzymes, metabolic pathways and regulatory mechanisms. Students will apply their knowledge by working in teams to solve cases and suggest remedies for 'patients' suffering from nutritional deficiencies or metabolic disorders. Students will discover the relationship between protein structure and function and develop skills in experimental design and scientific report writing.
Educational aims
The overall aim of this topic is to develop students' knowledge and understanding of food and energy metabolism and to provide them with opportunities to apply their knowledge and understanding to the solution of 'real-world' problems related to enzyme function, nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disorders.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Explain clearly in both oral and written form the processes and regulation of food and energy metabolism covered in this topic
  2. Apply their knowledge to the diagnosis and treatment of nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disorders
  3. Work competently in a molecular biology laboratory and produce reliable and reproducible data
  4. Understand the likely artefacts inherent in working with biological materials and be cognisant of the use of controls to mitigate against artefactual results
  5. Maintain a laboratory notebook such that others can reproduce their work
  6. Present experimental results in tables and graphs in a format suitable for publication in a scientific journal
  7. Interpret experimental data in the context of current knowledge in the field of molecular biology
  8. Collaborate effectively with colleagues to solve problems
  9. Perform routine calculations required for the preparation of laboratory reagents