6 x 2-hour workshops per semester
6 x 2-hour on-line exercises per semester
1 Admission into BLAWLP-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice
1a Admission into BLAWLPG-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry)
1b Admission into BLAWLPR-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice
1c Admission into BLAWLPRG-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry)
1d Admission into BLAWLPRH-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours)
1e Admission into BLAWLPRGH-Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry) (Honours)
1f Admission into BLAWS-Bachelor of Laws
1g Admission into BLAWSH-Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
1h Admission into BLAWSG-Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry)
2 18 units of second year LLAW topics
3 LLAW2212 - The Constitution and the Australian Federation [International / Comparative I]
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h) and 2 and 3)
Enrolment not permitted
LLAW3055 has been successfully completed
Topic description

After an introductory section, which will provide a grounding in theory and policy issues to do with freedom and power of the press, the topic will cover a range of selected issues where the law is of particular concern to the media. Examples of issues likely to be covered are: contempt sub judice; broadcasting regulation, including Australian and children's content standards; classification of films, publications and computer games; internet regulation; journalist's ethics; advertising standards. The topic does not cover defamation or intellectual property. There will be an emphasis on active learning and class contribution, in the form of student-led seminars. Students will also complete a group project on an aspect of media law in an overseas jurisdiction.

Educational aims

This topic aims to assist students to:

  • Apply certain aspects of Australian law that are of special interest to the media
  • Analyse the interplay between legal and media power in the shaping of those aspects of law
  • Think critically about levels of media regulation in light of freedom of speech discourses
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Describe certain aspects of the legal regime governing media activities
  2. Use different conceptions of rights and interests that are or could be protected by that legal regime
  3. Test claims that freedom of speech or of the press should be a priority of the legal system
  4. Hypothesise the combination of factors that have led laws to be the way they are
  5. Find and use sources of information about the legal regime governing media activities
  6. Distil concepts and principles from primary and secondary legal texts
  7. Make an original contribution to scholarship in the field of media law
  8. Make an oral presentation