1 of LANG3102, LANG3102A, LANG8001, LANG8401, LANG8102
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1 of LANG3202A, LANG8202, LANG8403 has been successfully completed
Topic description
By carrying out a small investigation task with a practising language teacher, students will develop the practical research skills necessary to observe and monitor teaching practices and students' learning strategies. The capacity to apply both theoretical and practical knowledge is particularly useful for developing effective language classroom practice. In order to be effective, teachers need to reflect systematically on their teaching and on the progress of their students' language learning. This topic complements the methodology component of the Graduate Diploma in Language Teaching as it expands the basic concepts of second language acquisition and teaching methodologies introduced in LANG8001 and LANG8002.

Please contact the topic coordinator for contact details.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • introduce students to classroom-based observation research practices in order to plan for ongoing monitoring of their own teaching practices

  • expose students to a range of methods and procedures used by language professionals who investigate their everyday classroom practices for self-monitoring purposes

  • assist students in understanding the issues influencing language learning and teaching processes
Expected learning outcomes
On completing this topic, students will be able to:

  • select an issue for carrying out self, or other classroom observation tasks

  • plan for and carry out a small-scale investigation task

  • evaluate and synthesise the results of their observation by relating them to the issues influencing the language learning and teaching process