1 x 7-hour independent study weekly
1 x 30-minute on-line tutorial weekly
1 Admission into GCRHP-Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice
1a Admission into GDPRHP-Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice
1b Admission into MRIH-Master of Remote and Indigenous Health
1c Admission into MD-Doctor of Medicine
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c))
Enrolment not permitted
HLTH9013 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
REMH8001 (formerly HLTH8201) Context of Remote & Indigenous Health

REMH8002 (formerly HLTH8202) Remote & Indigenous Primary Health Care
Assignments; Laboratory Participation; Oral; Tests; Tutorial Participation
Topic description
This topic explores the practical application of public health principles in the context of isolated, remote and Indigenous communities. Local, national and international examples are used to explore the concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics. The topic also examines principles and practices of public health surveillance, health screening, and the steps involved in managing a disease outbreak and explores how public health and epidemiology influence policy and planning, particularly in relation to remote Indigenous communities.
Educational aims
This topic aims to equip health professionals with an understanding of key public health principles and the practical resources to apply this knowledge as members of an interprofessional team in remote and Indigenous Primary Health Care settings where they work.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be able to:

  • Define and interpret data to fertility, morbidity, mortality, crude and age standardised death rates.

  • Compare and contrast the concepts of incidence and prevalence and cumulative incidence.

  • Define and identify case control study, retrospective cohort study, prospective cohort study.

  • Define and interpret types of variables, frequency, relative risk, odds ratio, mean, medium, Inter quartile ratios, normal distribution, standard deviation, Z scores, statistical significance, confidence intervals, Pearson’s r and Chi squares.

  • Compare and contrast different types of surveillance and limitations to surveillance data.

  • Describe the principles and practice of health screening, identifying specific applications, issues relating to validity and reliability of screening, and ethical considerations unique to remote and Indigenous communities.

  • Demonstrate the ability to define key terms relating to disease outbreaks, and the ability to contextualize the elements of outbreak investigation and principles of disease control.