1 x 9-hour independent study weekly
1 Admission into GCRHP-Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice
1a Admission into GDPRHP-Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice
1b Admission into MRIH-Master of Remote and Indigenous Health
1c Admission into MD-Doctor of Medicine
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c))
Enrolment not permitted
HLTH8207 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Assumed knowledge of basic requirements to practice as a remote health manager.
Course context
This topic is available to students enrolled in other graduate awards with the approval of the course coordinator
Assignments; Practical Work; Tutorial Participation
Topic description
This topic is grounded in the practicalities of remote areas and the principles of Primary Health Care. Students are expected to reflect on practice experience to understand and critique the applicability of management theories and practices to geographically remote and cross cultural Primary Health Care (PHC) service delivery systems and organisations. The topic draws on local and international literature to provide students with the skills and knowledge to deliver and effectively manage culturally safe PHC services in the remote and Indigenous context. Development and implementation of strategies to effective manage human resources (including performance management) within a specific agenda for improving the delivery of PHC services to remote and Indigenous people are explored. Working cooperatively and productively, being resourceful, understanding factors that contribute to financial management and utilizing goods and services in a socially and environmentally responsible way are emphasized.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • Develop an understanding of and analyse issues relating to the management of remote health teams

  • Develop skills for strategic and operational planning, human resource management, supervision and performance management and financial management

  • Introduce students to clinical governance systems and the role of the health service manager in relation to ensuring quality service delivery.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of the topic the student will be able to:

  • Critically reflect on your communication style and how this impacts on effectively working in a team as a manager

  • Describe strategies to establish personal work goals, organise prioritise and complete work schedules based on these goals

  • Describe the HR management functions of selection, orientation, induction and critically evaluate the application of these functions in the workplace

  • Identify relevant legislation and policy that governs the employer/employee relationship in your jurisdiction

  • Communicate about HR issues using memos and reports

  • Draw on local and international literature to describe the HR functions of supervision and performance management and apply this knowledge to develop performance review practices relevant to the remote and Indigenous Australian Primary Health Care context

  • Define clinical governance, list the broad range of activities subsumed within this concept; and describe the role of managers in ensuring clinical governance policy is translated into day to day practice

  • Define key accounting terms used in financial reporting; and interpret financial reports relevant to Primary Health Care services

  • Critically analyse models of remote health management and operational and strategic planning

  • Apply this knowledge to identify issues involved in operational and/or strategic planning within the Primary Health Care context.