1 x 135-hour project work per semester
1 36 unit(s) of MD - Doctor of Medicine
1a 36 unit(s) of MDJ - Doctor of Medicine
1b 108 unit(s) of MDC - Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b))
Oral presentation; reflective journal; progress report.
Topic description

This topic aims to deepen the student's understanding of research methods and ethics through the application of this knowledge to a scientific research project under the guidance of an academic supervisor. Through participation in research activities, students will acquire a defined body of evidence-based knowledge from established biological, clinical, epidemiological, social and/or behavioural sciences. Research activities may include, but are not limited to, conducting a literature review; laboratory work; data collection and analysis; and reporting of results. Students will work independently and/or in groups to conduct either primary or secondary research or critical appraisal exercises in collaboration with research teams, organisations, and community groups. Assessment reinforces this learning through reflection and communication tasks.

Educational aims

This topic aims to deepen the student's understanding of research methods and ethics and the principles that underpin socially responsible scientific research, through the application of this knowledge to supervised research activities undertaken as part of an approved research project.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Apply a knowledge of research methods, design and ethics to the development of a research project
  2. Apply an understanding of working within the legal and ethical frameworks which govern scientific and clinical practice to the planning and conduct of research
  3. Demonstrate the skills to participate in a structured and collaborative inquiry process with a commitment to pursuing better health outcomes and professional practice in a specific context
  4. Locate, read and critically appraise research as presented in the scientific and medical literature and apply a knowledge of the literature to the development of a research project
  5. Apply data analysis and interpretation skills to a research project
  6. Demonstrate professional communication skills
  7. Demonstrate reflective practice in the context of research