6 x 2-hour tutorials per semester
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 Admission into GCPHCCF-Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Child and Family Health Nursing)
1a Admission into GDPNGCF-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Child and Family Health)
1b Admission into MNGCF-Master of Nursing (Child and Family Health)
1c Admission into MNGDM-Master of Nursing (Diabetes Management and Education)
1d Admission into MNGAC-Master of Nursing (Acute Care)
1e Admission into MNGCC-Master of Nursing (Critical Care)
1f Admission into MNGCD-Master of Nursing (Cardiac)
1g Admission into MNG/CR-Master of Nursing (Coursework and Research)
1h Admission into MNGEN-Master of Nursing (Emergency)
1i Admission into MNGGP-Master of Nursing (General Practice and Community)
1j Admission into MNGHD-Master of Nursing (High Dependency)
1k Admission into MNGMH-Master of Nursing (Mental Health)
1l Admission into MNGPD-Master of Nursing (Paediatrics)
1m Admission into MNGPH-Master of Nursing (Primary Health Care)
1n Admission into GCPHCNG-Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Nursing)
1o Admission into GDPNGPH-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Primary Health Care)
1p Admission into MMID/CCR-Master of Midwifery by coursework (Coursework and Research)
1q Admission into GCCFHNG-Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing
1r Admission into MNGP-Master of Nursing - 1.5 years
1s Admission into MNG-Master of Nursing - 2 years
1t Admission into MNGAG-Master of Nursing (Aged Care)
2 ^ NURS8824 - Introduction to Working with Infants, Children and Families
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n or 1o or 1p or 1q or 1r or 1s or 1t) and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
NURS8120 has been successfully completed
Assignments; On-line Tests; Tutorial presentation on-line.
Topic description
In this topic students will develop the knowledge required to be able to support infants, children and their families to manage a range of parenting and child health issues. This includes an examination of family assessment, strengths and challenges.
Educational aims
In this topic students will develop knowledge required for them to be able to support infants, children and their families to manage a range of parenting and child health issues.
Expected learning outcomes
On successful completion of this topic students will be able to:

    1. Assess family dynamics and identify family strengths and challenges for their potential to impact on the health of an infant, child or young person.

    2. Identify and analyse a range of early years parenting strategies for their impact on the young child,


    2a. Identify and analyse a range of health issues and related parenting strategies that may affect the school age child,


    2b. Identify and analyse a range of health issues that may affect the adolescent.

    3. Identify clinical concerns for infants and children and develop strategies for management.