12 x 2-hour on-line exercises per semester
12 x 2-hour on-line tutorials weekly
1 Admission into GDPNGAG-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Aged Care)
1a Admission into GDPNGCC-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Critical Care)
1b Admission into GDPNGDM-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Diabetes Management and Education)
1c Admission into GDPNGEN-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Emergency)
1d Admission into GDPNGGP-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (General Practice and Community)
1e Admission into GDPNGHD-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (High Dependency)
1f Admission into GDPNGMH-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health)
1g Admission into GDPNGPD-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Paediatrics)
1h Admission into any MNG course
1i Admission into MMID/CCR-Master of Midwifery by coursework (Coursework and Research)
1j Admission into MMID/CCW-Master of Midwifery by coursework
1k Admission into GDPNGAC-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Acute Care)
1l Admission into GDPNGPH-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Primary Health Care)
1m Admission into GDPNGCF-Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Child and Family Health)
1n Admission into MNG/CR-Master of Nursing (Coursework and Research)
1o Admission into MPH-Master of Public Health
1p Admission into MPHA-Master of Public Health [1.5 years]
1q Admission into GDPBHC-Graduate Diploma in Behavioural Health Counselling
1r Admission into MCBT-Master of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
1s Admission into GDPMHNG-Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
1t Admission into GDPNGU-Graduate Diploma in Nursing
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h or 1i or 1j or 1k or 1l or 1m or 1n or 1o or 1p or 1q or 1r or 1s or 1t))
Topic description

In this topic students will develop advanced theoretical and practical skills related to thinking, communicating and problem solving within the context of health care. They will apply the theory and practice to real-world cases requiring them to identify and explore their own beliefs and develop their skills in each of these areas.

Educational aims

This topic aims to enable students to develop advanced thinking, communication and problem solving skills and apply these to health care practice in diverse contexts.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Evaluate models of critical thinking relevant to health care practice
  2. Demonstrate advanced communication skills in a variety of practice contexts
  3. Apply a model of critical thinking to real-world health care problems, questions and issues
  4. Apply advanced communication skills to the management of conflict situations
  5. Use a problem solving model to effectively resolve workplace issues including problem identification, development of solutions, and implementation and evaluation of solutions
  6. Integrate thinking, communicating, and problem solving theory and skills in a complex real-world case