1 x 16-hour independent study weekly
12 x 1-hour on-line exercises per semester
10 x 2-hour on-line tutorials per semester
1 NURS9219 - Introduction to Research
1a NURS9120 - Evidence-based Clinical Practice
2 Admission into MNGAC-Master of Nursing (Acute Care)
2a Admission into MMID/CCW-Master of Midwifery by coursework
2b Admission into MNGCC-Master of Nursing (Critical Care)
2c Admission into MNGCF-Master of Nursing (Child and Family Health)
2d Admission into MNG/CR-Master of Nursing (Coursework and Research)
2e Admission into MNGDM-Master of Nursing (Diabetes Management and Education)
2f Admission into MNGEN-Master of Nursing (Emergency)
2g Admission into MNGHD-Master of Nursing (High Dependency)
2h Admission into MNGMH-Master of Nursing (Mental Health)
2i Admission into MNGPD-Master of Nursing (Paediatrics)
2j Admission into MNGPH-Master of Nursing (Primary Health Care)
2k Admission into MNP-Master of Nurse Practitioner
2l Admission into MNGGP-Master of Nursing (General Practice and Community)
2m Admission into MNGAG-Master of Nursing (Aged Care)
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a) and (2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d or 2e or 2f or 2g or 2h or 2i or 2j or 2k or 2l or 2m))
Assignments; Aural; Tutorial participation and Presentation
Topic description

This enables students to develop the ability to critically review research evidence for practice to strengthen the integration of research into practice.

Educational aims

This topic aims to develop the ability to critically review research evidence for practice to strengthen the integration of research into practice

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Develop a critical review protocol using web-based tools
  2. Customise and use a range of critical appraisal and review processes relevant to their field of practice
  3. Justify a critical review process for anyone not familiar with a given field of practice
  4. Effectively transfer professional practice knowledge using a range of communication strategies
  5. Generate new knowledge by combining best available research evidence with professional practice knowledge
  6. Prepare research materials for external peer review and potential publication
  7. Peer review a range of research materials for others within their profession