On Campus
1 x 1-hour lecture fortnightly
1 x 1-hour tutorial fortnightly
1 x 1-hour seminar fortnightly

Distance Online
1 x 1-hour online lecture fortnightly
1 x 1-hour online exercises fortnightly
1 x 1-hour seminar fortnightly
Online quiz(zes), Research proposal, Test(s)
Topic description

This topic introduces and then builds on essential concepts of epidemiology by priming and consolidating student understandings of how to measure population health determinants and outcomes, interpreting health data and theories of causation. Subsequent learning will focus on epidemiological study designs and understanding for which types of research questions they might be appropriate. Students will learn about the strengths and limitations of each approach and when mixed approaches (including qualitative approaches) might be appropriate. Students will gain confidence in critical appraisal of the epidemiological literature and developing their own research questions and proposing a research design(s) to address these.

Educational aims

This topic aims to build foundational knowledge of epidemiological concepts and understanding of epidemiological research methods in order to prepare students to critically evaluate the epidemiological literature and develop capacity to design research to address specific public health research questions.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Understand epidemiological health measures, and apply them to describing patterns of disease occurrence and calculation of basic measures including absolute and relative measures of risk
  2. Correctly interpret epidemiological results, and critically evaluate conclusions based on these in the epidemiological literature
  3. Determine the appropriate research design for each circumstance and demonstrate understanding of and what findings can be produced from each study design
  4. Demonstrate capacity to design a study to develop a feasible research approach in responding to a public health issue identified as national research priorities