Miss Azy Ghazimoradi

Data & Analytics Information Specialist

Information and Digital Services

place Sir Eric Neal - Engineering (0.39)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia
Key responsibilities

As a member of a team of technicians and other staff:

  • Develops and maintains the Planning Services Unit web site.
  • Develops and maintains Planning Services Unit data stores, including assistance with the delivery of training courses and the provision of broad support for users.
  • Plans and manages the conduct of surveys, including the supervision of casual staff.
  • Collects, analyses, and reports results from these surveys.
  • Provides a broad range of statistical information to the Faculties and other users for planning and general University discipline review purposes, and in response to external requests.
  • Contributes to the timely preparation of quantitative or qualitative publications, submissions and written reports for internal and external dissemination.

Currently specialises in:

  • DIISRTE Reporting