Dr Clara Pham

Research Fellow

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health Sciences (2.35)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

I am a Research Fellow in Health Economics. My areas of expertise include the analysis of large, linked datasets (administrative hospital and primary care data), health economic modelling using decision analysis and Markov models, and economic evaluations alongside controlled clinical trials. I also have a background in surgical systematic reviews and trauma and injury recovery research. My PhD used an explanatory sequential mixed methods approach to evaluate services for the preoperative assessment and management of high-risk surgical patients.

Most of my research is on the application of economic evaluation methods using real world data, i.e. data not from randomised controlled trials, across a range of clinical areas including stroke, preoperative medical assessment, frailty, musculoskeletal disorders, caesarean section and embryo transfer. My current work focuses on the evaluation of services and strategies to improve care in the ageing population (out-of-hospital care services) and maternal and perinatal health (treatment strategies involving hysterosalpingography and in vitro fertilisation and interventions targeting the periconception period).


Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine) (University of Adelaide)

Graduate Diploma in Public Health (University of Adelaide)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (University of Adelaide)

Honours, awards and grants

2017 - American Society for Reproductive Medicine, SRS Prize Paper

2002 - Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand New Investigator Prize