Reverend Doctor Steve Taylor

Academic Level C

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Adelaide College of Divinity
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia
I completed postgraduate work in religion and cultural change, both in terms of how Christianity expresses it's faith in content (theology) and in practice (ecclesiology). My interest is in new and emerging forms of Christian practice, both within the church and within contemporary culture.

PhD, University of Otago (2004). A New Way of Being Church? used a practical theology model to exploring church, mission and worship in the contemporary environment.

Masters in Theology, University of Auckland (1996). Angst and Atonement, gained first class honours for a critical investigation of contextual atonement images in a postmodern New Zealand urban context.

Bachelor in Theology, University of Auckland (1995).

Bachelor of Horticulture, Lincoln University (1992).

Honours, awards and grants

2015 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching. For leading sustained innovation in theological pedagogy over six years, implementing quality improvements that ensure the embedded diversity of the student body is a resource in contextualising, personalising and deepening the overall teaching and learning experience.

2014 EHL Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

2014 EHL Community of Practice research

Teaching interests
theology of popular culture, ecclesiology, new forms of church.
Supervisory interests
Church and society
Ethnographic method
Innovation and enterprise
Popular culture, film and television
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: action research study of Trinity on ministry life (1), ecclesiology and ethnographic study of experiences of forgiveness (1), Lived Experience, Meaning Making and the Place of Contemporary Christianity through accounts and studies with young adults (1), A missional pneumatology of the Basis of Union of the Uniting Church in Australia (1)
Associate supervisor: how do pastoral leaders working in multi-ethic communities enhance their cultural competency (1)
Principal supervisor: spiritual formation (Adelaide College of Divinity) (1), Preaching (Australian College Theology) (1)
Associate supervisor: Chaplaincy (Adelaide College of Divinity) (1)
  • contemporary spirituality
  • religious expressions of spirituality
  • theological perspectives on film
Further information

I am the author of Built for Change: a practical theology of innovation and collaboration in leadership (Mediacom, 2016) and The Out of Bounds Church? Learning to Create a Community of Faith in a Culture of Change, (Zondervan, 2005), which was translated into Korean in 2008.