9 x 1-hour lectures per semester
Admission into MPSC-Master of Psychology (Clinical)
Enrolment not permitted
PSYC9063 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Honours level statistics
Topic description
The objective of this topic is to provide students with different approaches to multivariate statistics that are likely to be of relevance to their research, and applying these statistics to data using SPSS. It will also provide information to help students think through the issues they will meet in their research and as consumers of psychological literature. Furthermore it will provide a forum in which to present the development of their ideas for their own research project.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is threefold:
  • (a) to provide students with a quick tour of different approaches to multivariate statistics that are of relevance to clinical treatment studies and applying these statistics to data using SPSS,
  • (b) to provide information that will help students think through the issues that they will meet in their research and as consumers of psychological literature, and
  • (c) to provide students with a forum in which to present the development of their ideas for their own research project.
  • Expected learning outcomes
    On successful completion of this topic students should be able to:
    • appreciate the wide diversity of psychological research methods
    • understand how these can be useful in investigating issues relevant to clinical psychology
    • design a research project and present ideas relevant to this research to peers