2 x 50-minute lectures weekly
1 x 50-minute tutorial weekly
3 x 3-hour laboratories per semester
3 x 3-hour computer labs per semester
1 Admission into GCGH-Graduate Certificate in Science (Groundwater Hydrology)
1a Admission into GDPGH-Graduate Diploma in Science (Groundwater Hydrology)
1b Admission into MSCGH-Master of Science (Groundwater Hydrology)
1c Admission into GCEMG-Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
1d Admission into GDPEMG-Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management
1e Admission into MEMG-Master of Environmental Management
1f Admission into GCWRM-Graduate Certificate in Water Resources Management
1g Admission into GDPWRM-Graduate Diploma in Water Resources Management
1h Admission into MWRM-Master of Water Resources Management
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f or 1g or 1h))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of CPES3018, CPES3151, CPES8018, CPES8151, EASC2711, EASC8711, WARM8451 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Assumes University graduate-level Earth Sciences. Students should have an undergraduate degree in environmental science, hydrology or a relevant discipline of science and engineering.
Topic description
This topic offers the advanced quantitative knowledge needed to understand water dynamics in soils, plants and lower atmosphere. The topic is delivered in four parts. Part 1 describes the physical properties and composition of soils which relate to soil water. Part 2 covers the behaviour of water in soils; soil water potentials and water flow in soil. Part 3 introduces the energy balance and water vapour in soil and lower atmosphere. Part 4 discusses soil-plant-water relations, evaporation and transpiration, and soil water management.
Educational aims
The educational aim of this topic is to instil in students an advanced knowledge and appreciation of the role of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in hydrological systems.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the topic, students are expected to be able to:
  1. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the physical properties of soil
  2. Explain the physical principles governing the retention and flow of water in soil
  3. Discuss the interaction between water and soil chemistry, mineralogy and soil physical properties
  4. Apply the principles of soil water and irrigation management
  5. Demonstrate enhanced problem-solving, critical-thinking and reasoning abilities in the field of soil hydrology