1 x 1-hour workshop weekly
1 x .5-hour on-line exercises weekly
1 x 1-hour on-line lecture weekly
2 x 2-hour pbls per semester
Enrolment not permitted
1 of BUSN1010, BUSN1205, BUSN1214 has been successfully completed
Assignments(s) 30%; Examinations(s) 60%; Tests(s) 10%.
Topic description
The topic is concerned with providing students with an introduction to basic aspects of Australian law relevant to business including: The Australian Legal System; Agency and Business Structures; Law of Contract; Law of Property; Law of Torts and Trade Practices (Consumer Protection and Restrictive Trade Practices.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to:

  • introduce, and familiarise, students with the areas of Australian law that are relevant to business
  • develop students' understanding and appreciation of the Australian system of commercial law that has been developed and enforced by the Parliaments and the Courts
  • enable students to recognise legal problems and their implications when they arise in commercial and business practice and settings; and
  • provide students with the knowledge and tools to be able to seek legal advice or to make appropriate referrals to legal professionals, when and where required

Expected learning outcomes
It is expected that on completion of this topic students will:

  • understand and be able to describe the process of law-making and the structure and hierarchy of courts in the Australian legal system
  • understand and be able to apply the principles of the law of torts, contract, trade practices, agency and property to various factual scenarios relevant to business
  • be familiar with a range of legal business structures and be able to identify and describe their defining legal characteristics
  • be able to analyse a factual scenario and identify relevant legal issues
  • be able to recognise some of the legal implications relevant to the provision of financial, accounting or other professional advice
  • be able to evaluate a factual situation and determine when and where professional legal advice is prudent or desirable
  • have the knowledge and skills to conduct preliminary research and seek professional advice in relation to legal problems
  • have developed skills in clear written and oral communication of legal principles
  • have developed skills in appropriate referencing and citation practice