1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
1 x 50-minute tutorial weekly
Course context
Associated major: Asian Studies; International Relations

Bachelor of International Studies
Examination, assignment(s), tutorial participation
Topic description
The topic introduces students to contemporary political, economical and social trends in Asia. It explores the major issues affecting Asian countries and its impact on Australia. Students will be encouraged to learn and apply basic knowledge and concepts to examine selected Asian countries.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:
  • introduce students to understand contemporary politics, economy and social trends in Asia
  • provide an in-depth understanding of these trends in the countries used as case studies in the topic
  • discuss the way in which global trends affect, and in turn are affected by, Asia
  • identify the major impacts of Asia upon Australia
Expected learning outcomes
On successful completion of this topic, students should be able to:
  • understand and be knowledgeable about the contemporary issues affecting Asia
  • use a variety of basic sources as well as access and understand scholarly writing on the subject
  • participate in tutorials effectively, namely to produce clear and concise arguments and respond to the points raised by others
  • produce written work accordance with good scholarly practice