1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
1 x 50-minute tutorial weekly
1 x 4-hour independent study weekly
1 x 2-hour on-line exercises weekly
Topic description
The topic focuses on the students' own values as well as the attitudes that pervade our society about people with disabilities using a variety of theoretical frameworks including Social Role Valorisation. A history and overview of the major service types for people with disabilities is presented and the strengths, issues and challenges of each service type is examined.
Educational aims
This topic aims to provide students with the opportunity to explore and develop an introductory understanding about;

  • definitions of disability, classifications, concepts, and the use of labels and positive language

  • the history of disabililty, legislation and human service provision

  • world view of disability and perspectives of various cultures

  • image and presentation of disability in literature and the media

  • development of beliefs, attitudes and values and how they relate to theories about community inclusion, social role valorisation and quality of life

  • current human service practices and principles of service provision relating to supporting people with a disability in our communities,

  • research and critical analysis
Expected learning outcomes
Students must demonstrate they can;

  • articulate a sound knowledge of the meaning, history, legislation, human rights and social concepts relating to disability

  • use positive and people first language

  • locate and critically analyse current literature and media information relating to disability

  • gain understanding of the impact and challenges of inclusion and disability from a global, community and individual perspective