1 x 2-hour lecture weekly
1 x 2-hour tutorial fortnightly
1 x 6-hour independent study weekly
1 Admission into BHSP-Bachelor of Health Sciences (Paramedic)
1a Admission into BPARA-Bachelor of Paramedic Science
2 HLTH1004 - Human Bioscience
Must Satisfy: ((1 or 1a) and 2)
PARA2002 - Clinical Applications 1
Enrolment not permitted
HLTH2203 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Basic Life Support
Assignments; Examination (40%); Tutorial participation.
Topic description
This topic has been developed to enable students to work as pre-hospital health care providers. There is extensive theoretical and practical understanding of the functional and dysfunctional integrity of the Respiratory System. This topic is relevant to the core practice of the professional Paramedic Practice with a Respiratory focus. This course will develop students' critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills for paramedic management of respiratory emergencies.
Educational aims
This topic will explore respiratory emergencies through a discussion of the cause, pathophysiology, presentation and treatment of the major disorders. The topic is divided into the following modules:

  • Advanced respiratory physiology

  • Asthma and anaphylaxis

  • Advanced airway management

  • Thoracic trauma

  • Paediatric respiratory emergencies

  • Respiratory pharmacology

This topic runs as a co-requisite with PARA2002 Clinical Applications 1, which addresses the assessment of a patient with a respiratory disorder and the pre-hospital practice at an Advanced Life Support level

Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of this topic, it is intended that the participants will be able to:

  • Describe in detail the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, including advanced principles of gas exchange, gas transport and cellular respiration

  • Compare and differentiate the aetiology and pathophysiology of asthma and anaphylaxis

  • Describe the aetiology, pathophysiology and complications of chronic respiratory disorders

  • Describe the aetiology and pathophysiology of non-cardiac pulmonary oedema

  • Describe injuries associated with thoracic trauma and the treatment of thoracic injuries

  • Identify the presentation of an airway obstruction and describe the emergency management

  • Describe the indications, techniques and complications of advanced airways and ventilatory support

  • Contrast the paediatric respiratory anatomy and physiology with that of an adult and discuss the practical implications of these differences

  • Recognise the Paediatric Patient with respiratory system compromise

  • Understand the implications and rationale of and for emergency management of patients with variety of respiratory conditions, acute or chronic or life threatening
  • Identify common drug groups used in the community for the management of respiratory disorders and deduce the possible influence these drugs will have on a patient's emergency presentation.