2 x 50-minute lectures weekly
1 x 3-hour laboratory weekly
1 x 8-hour field trip per semester
1 of EASC1101, EASC1102, EASC1601, EASC1602, EASC1211, EASC1212, CPES2039
Enrolment not permitted
1 of CPES2013, CPES2023, EASC8722, WARM8722 has been successfully completed
Topic description
This topic will follow basic physical geology curriculum which centres on sedimentary processes in plate tectonic settings. The type and formation of sedimentary basins is covered including continental and deep oceanic basins. Physical sedimentology of rivers, lakes, deltas, and coastal deposits will be taught in terms of classic stratigraphic patterns produced by these depositional systems. Weathering, soil formation, clay minerals, soil types, geomorphological occurrence of soils, soil erosion, and Australian ancient soil landscapes will be covered. Examples of modern depositional systems from Australia as well as ancient example are covered.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to educate students in basic sedimentology, stratigraphy, soil forming processes and geomorphology. In addition, this topic aims to develop skill in mineral, rock, and soil identification using laboratory samples and polarising microscope. There is a one day field trip to an area of local geologic significance to develop an understanding of basic sedimentary processes.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Describe the processes and products of plate tectonics including seafloor spreading and the formation of ocean crust, the rifting of continents and development of basin in plate tectonic settings
  2. Outline processes of basic depositional environments
  3. Outline processes of physical sedimentology of sediment transport and deposition
  4. Identify main types of minerals and the rocks found in sedimentary deposits and soils
  5. Construct simple geological cross-sections from maps
  6. Outline the main types of soils and their climatic and geomorphic setting
  7. Outline basic principles of geologic time and age dating of rocks and minerals