2 x 50-minute lectures weekly
1 x 50-minute tutorial weekly
1 of BUSN1022, BUSN1206, BUSN2025
Assumed knowledge
At least 22.5 units (inclusive of marketing major topics taught in the same semester as this topic).
Course context
Bachelor of Business; Bachelor of Business and Technology; Bachelor of International Tourism
Topic description
The topic outlines the services sector, the differences between services and goods, the consumer and services, the marketing of services, the issues in services impacted by customer satisfaction and ethics, and the future of services marketing.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to provide students with the skills to examine the particular needs of service marketers. Students will learn how to interpret and apply different methods of marketing, and be introduced to the standard 7P's designation. The focus will also be on government and not-for-profit services as well as the more traditional professional and ancillary service sectors.
Expected learning outcomes
Students successfully completing this topic will be able to:
  • understand the differences between the marketing of services and the marketing of goods
  • place the services sector within the context of economic indicators such as GDP, employment, trade balances, taxation and policy making
  • discuss the methods by which consumer decisions are made for services in comparison with the ways they are made for products
  • reach conclusions on the ethics of services marketing and how they differ from the ethics of goods marketing
  • recognise problems consumers have with the pricing, delivery, promotion and satisfaction measures of services. Such recognition should cover these issues as they relate specifically to services and, more generally, to all marketing
  • understand the specific importance and application of the three service-related marketing mix concepts, people, physical representation and process.