4 x 1-hour workshops per semester
1 x 10-hour independent study weekly
1 x 1-hour supervised study fortnightly
22.5 Units in DSRS3 topics
Enrolment not permitted
DSRS4039 has been successfully completed
Assignments; Project
Topic description
This topic is designed to enable students to develop areas of interest arising out of theoretical and research literature in disability studies and community rehabilitation. A range of activities is permissible. In each case students must indicate their ability to work independently and demonstrate mastery of the literature in an area of disability studies and community rehabilitation. Students will require supervision from an academic staff member in order to formulate a program of study. Independent studies can be linked to a Practicum Specialisation or be completed as part of an honours program, which will facilitate a student gaining an increased depth of knowledge about supporting individuals dealing with a particular issue or living with a specific support need. Securing the approval of an academic staff member to supervise the study is essential
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  1. Introduce students to a comprehensive body of research information exploring a specific issue and/or service models to support individuals with a specific support need.

  2. Advance students understanding of the theoretical and critical debates pertinent to their chosen area of inquiry.

  3. Develop students general analytical skills and their capacity for independent research.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic the student will be able to:

  1. Critically evaluate research and practice in relation to individuals with specific support needs.

  2. Analyse and evaluate the literature in order to show its strengths and limitations in relation to a specific issue or practice relevant to individuals with specific support needs.

  3. Discuss the possible uses or implications of the research literature and how it might be tested by linking findings to recommendations for service delivery.

  4. Discuss how the literature might apply to the analysis and understanding of particular problem areas for individuals living with a specific issue or support need.

  5. Demonstrate professional behaviours around the ability to work independently, plan and undertake a research project and submit a report within established time frames.