3 x 1-hour lectures weekly
6 x 3-hour laboratories per semester
^ = may be enrolled concurrently
1 PHYS1102 - Fundamental Physics II
2 ^ 1 of MATH2711, ENGR2711
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Enrolment not permitted
1 of PHYS2711, PHYS8731 has been successfully completed
Topic description
Forms of Newton's equations for continuous media describing vibrations in strings, membranes and solids. Programming these equations in Mathematica. Geometrical optics; Wave nature of light; polarisation; interference and diffraction; coherence; laser theory; laser types; laser applications.
Educational aims
This topic introduces students to some key phenomena in physics such as the application of Newtonian dynamics to various continuous media, and the programming of these problems using Mathematica. Students will attend the Computer Meditated Learning unitto receive hands-on instruction in Mathematica. This tool is a vital generic computational skill. As well students will be introduced to geometrical optics and aspects of the wave nature of light.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how Newtonian dynamics may be applied to oscillations of continuous material systems, and how analgous optical wave phenomena may be described
  2. Program in Mathematica