1 x 1-hour lecture weekly
1 x 1-hour tutorial weekly
9 units of second level ARCH topics
Enrolment not permitted
ARCH3005 has been successfully completed
Topic description
The topic introduces students to aspects of seafaring from the earliest watercraft to shipwrecks of the 20th Century. Issues covered include evidence about Bronze Age trade, the changing technology of ship-building, the shipwreck as time capsule, submerged harbour works in the Mediterranean and underwater cultural resource management. Archaeological evidence from all parts of the world over the past five thousand years will be used to examine subjects such as technological change, transportation, exploration, international trade, culture and seafaring sub-cultures.
Educational aims
The primary aim of the topic is to introduce students to the material aspects of archaeology in the underwater environment as well as in coastal and inter-tidal settings.

More specifically, the topic aims to:

  • explore some of the ways that humans have interacted with and exploited coastal regions as well as rivers and lakes using archaeological evidence

  • examine seafaring from the earliest watercraft to shipwrecks of the 20th Century

  • address the nature of archaeological evidence about:

    • Bronze Age trade

    • the changing technology of ship-building

    • submerged harbour works and drowned cities as well as issues like the shipwreck as time capsule

    • underwater cultural heritage management

    • underwater archaeological displays in museums

  • address issues such as:

    • technological change

    • transportation

    • exploration

    • international trade

    • culture and seafaring sub-cultures
Expected learning outcomes
On completing this topic students will have:

  • developed the skills associated with verbal presentations within a seminar context

  • gained an understanding of the theoretical approaches to archaeology underwater

  • demonstrated an understanding of the history of the practice of underwater and coastal archaeology throughout the world

  • demonstrated an appreciation of the place and role of maritime archaeology in the interpretation of maritime sub-cultures and culture in the wider context