3 x 50-minute lectures weekly
3 x 6-hour laboratories per semester
PHYS2701 - Quantum Concepts
Enrolment not permitted
PHYS8711 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Introductory level Quantum Physics, basics of Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Complex Number Arithmetic such as can be found in MATH3711 Complex Analysis.
Topic description
This topic provides an introduction to intermediate level Quantum Physics through the study of various quantum phenomena and their theoretical description using quantum mechanics. Lectures and tutorials are supplemented with laboratory classes. The material to be taught will consist of:

Quantum Phenomena: Einstein's A&B coefficients, transition rates, electric dipole approximation, higher-order radiation, selection rules, optical oscillator strength, line shapes and widths, spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules including electronic, vibrational and rotational transitions.

Quantum Mechanics: Dirac notation, formal axioms of quantum mechanics, Dirac delta function, spin, three-dimensional bound state problems (Hydrogen atom, spherical well, 3D harmonic oscillator), scattering theory (cross section, partial waves, phase shifts), approximation methods (variational method, time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory).
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to give students a sound understanding of intermediate level Quantum Physics. In addition, it is aimed to develop students' problem solving skills, while simultaneously enhancing their understanding of the subject, by including topic-specific problem solving exercises. Similarly, the students' laboratory based work is aimed to both enhance their understanding, and to develop their experimental skills.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Understand Dirac notation and the axioms of quantum mechanics
  2. Apply quantum mechanics to simple physical systems in 3 dimensions
  3. Describe absorption and emission of radiation in terms of transition rates, multipoles and selection rules
  4. Interpret spectral line shapes and widths
  5. Understand the spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules
  6. Carry out laboratory experiments related to quantum phenomena
  7. Analyse and critically evaluate experimental data
  8. Communicate results of experiments in an organized and clear fashion