2 x 50-minute lectures weekly
1 x 50-minute tutorial weekly
Course context
Associated majors: History; International Relations

Bachelor of Archaeology
Assignment(s), test(s), tutorial participation, tutorial presentation
Topic description
This topic is about the historical development of Europe from the beginning of the twentieth century until the end of the Second World War. It aims to introduce students to an understanding of the political, social and economic events that contributed to the shaping of Europe by 1945.

Students will learn about the course of European history as it ran through war, economic catastrophe and revolution - each of them on a far greater scale than Europeans had ever experienced before. They will not lose sight of the achievements of the first half of the twentieth century: a changing relationship between Europe and the world, alternative forms of social and political organization as well as cultural expression.

In learning about modern Europe they will also be introduced to fundamental historical skills of research, analysis and presentation.
Educational aims
This topic aims to:

  • introduce students to major developments in European history in the period 1900-1945
  • discuss the expectations and requirements of historical practice at university level
  • acquaint them with key concepts in historical thinking as they relate to modern European history
  • introduce them to various historical sub-disciplines such as political, social, military and cultural history
  • introduce them to fundamental skills of research, analysis and presentation which will benefit them both as historians and as university graduates
  • foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation that encourages students to both learn through collaboration and to become independent and critical thinkers

Expected learning outcomes
On successful completion of this topic students should be able to:

  • demonstrate a sound knowledge of key developments in European history in the period 1900 to 1945
  • show a familiarity with basic historical approaches and methods
  • reflect on the nature of various historical sub-disciplines
  • present their knowledge and thoughts in both written and oral forms to an appropriate scholarly standard