1 x 2-hour workshop weekly
1 x 30-minute on-line lecture weekly
1 Admission into BLITTSPC-Bachelor of Letters (Sports Performance Coaching)
1a Admission into BEXS-Bachelor of Exercise Science
1b Admission into BEXSMCEXP-Bachelor of Exercise Science, Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
2 Admission into BBSC-Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)
2a Admission into BPS-Bachelor of Psychological Science
2b Admission into BPSY-Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
2c Admission into BSHPA-Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity
2d Admission into BSAR-Bachelor of Sport and Active Recreation
2e Admission into BSARFP-Bachelor of Sport and Active Recreation - City Campus
2f Admission into CSRBMG-Bachelor of Sport and Active Recreation/Bachelor of Business (Management) - City Campus
3 1 of PSYC1102, PSYC1201, HLPE1531, HLPE1556
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b or 2c or 2d or 2e or 2f) and 3))
Assignments; Tests; Practical work.
Topic description
To influence participation and performance in sport, sport coaches require a grounded understanding in sport psychology. This topic introduces students to the social-psychological factors which impact participation and performance expertise, with a particular focus on motivational climates and cognition. Drawing on empirical evidence, students will gain a theoretical and practical understanding of the psychology of participation and performance in sport.
Educational aims
  • To explore the social psychological research and theories that facilitates participation and performance in sport.

  • To introduce theoretical and empirical work on participation, performance and expertise in sport

  • To examine the developmental aspects and learning conditions that allow individuals to maintain participation and reach expert levels of performance in sport.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • Explain the importance and differentiate between several types of sporting activities and their contexts on participation and performance

  • Illustrate how environmental factors shape participation and development, including the roles of contextual factors, such as relative age and birthplace effects, and social agents such as parents, coaches and peers.

  • Adapt the topic content to propose practical applications of Sport Psychology for athletes, parents, coaches and sport providers.