12 x 2-hour lectures per semester
3 x 6-hour tutorials per semester
3 x 6-hour workshops per semester
1 x 70-hour project work per semester
1 Admission into MBTL-Master of Biotechnology
1a Admission into HBSC-Bachelor of Science (Honours)
1b Admission into GDPBT-Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology
1c Admission into MBA-Master of Business Administration
1d Admission into MSCAQ-Master of Science (Aquaculture)
1e Admission into MNT-Master of Nanotechnology
1f Admission into GDPEG-Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurial Growth
2 Admission into BSCBT-Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
2a Admission into BSC-Bachelor of Science
2b Admission into BSCHBT-Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biotechnology)
3 72 Units of topics
Must Satisfy: (((1 or 1a or 1b or 1c or 1d or 1e or 1f)) or ((2 or 2a or 2b) and 3))
Enrolment not permitted
1 of BTEC4001, BTEC4630, BTEC8001 has been successfully completed
Assignment(s), Exam, Participation, Presentation, Test
Topic description

This topic provides an overview of the financial, business and management principles which would enhance understanding of business enterprise for the R&D-intensive bioscience industries. Students will work in management teams to prepare a Business Plan and will cover: an overview of Australia's science and technology policy, in particular how it relates to start-up research based industries; intellectual property management; team work and leadership skills; market research; commercial viability assessments; sales and marketing; strategic, financial and managerial processes which are applicable to the Bioscience industries.

Educational aims

This topic aims to give students experience and knowledge related to the commercialisation of biotechnology products or processes. This involves a basic knowledge of the scientific basis of the product/process, production and manufacture, marketing, sales, financial analysis, personnel and resource management, regulatory affairs, assessment of commercial viability, quality control and assurance. Students work in management teams with assigned tasks and work together to produce the business plan, a presentation of the plan to a board of directors and a company web site. The topic is run in an intensive workshop format with formal team meetings with support from an academic tutor. Lectures and tutorials are presented by external industry-based personnel with expertise in financial management, patenting and intellectual property and marketing, who will conduct workshops with extensive use of case studies.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:

  1. Apply and implement the key components involved in the development of a business plan to commercialise biotechnology products and processes
  2. Integrate and apply knowledge of the regulation of biotechnology industries and the various mechanisms for protecting Intellectual Property
  3. Apply the knowledge and skills in business planning to the development of a biotechnology product or service
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of financial, personnel and resource management related to running a small to medium size business
  5. Utilise effective team work skills within an effective management team with a common objective, and gain effective team work skills, with an awareness of cultural diversity and social inclusiveness
  6. Demonstrate core skills in report and oral presentations as well as learning how to construct an effective web site for marketing/promotional purposes