1 x 1-hour lecture weekly
1 x 1-hour tutorial weekly
1 x 2-hour workshop weekly
Enrolment not permitted
1 of COMP1401, ENGR1203 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Basic computer literacy skills, and basic mathematics, as may be obtained in SACE Stage 2 topics.
S1 - Online Assignments, Examination, Interim Reference and Table of Contents, Interim Chapter Meeting, Draft Executive Summary, Oral Presentation, Final Report, Meetings.

S2 - Online Assignments, Examination, Assignments, Participation Team Project, Individual Chapter, Team Report, Individual Peer Assessment, Final Team Oral Presentation.
Topic description
This topic provides an introduction to engineering with a focus on the role of the engineering team in providing a range of products and services. The initiation, planning and development of engineering projects including such subjects as feasibility studies, design and performance specifications, construction, testing and evaluation, operation and maintenance of engineering systems and the optimum use of resources. Aside from technical considerations, the topic will consider the social, economic, political, environmental and ethical issues related to engineering projects as well as the relevant communication and interpersonal skills.
Educational aims
The aim of this topic is to introduce students to the general nature of engineering and the core professional practices associated with an engineering project. The topic is to develop an understanding of the nature of engineering a range of transferable skills and knowledge including engineering project planning, feasibility and design, oral and written communication skills, meeting procedures, and the ability to work as a group.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the topic, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Understand the role of engineers in society and the purposes of engineering projects
  2. Understand the basic processes involved in engineering planning and design
  3. Apply systems concepts and elementary optimisation theory to the modelling of engineering processes
  4. Use decision theory and basic economic analysis for the evaluation of engineering projects
  5. Work effectively in a group on a complex problem
  6. Demonstrate an ability to apply scientific and engineering methodology
  7. Work effectively as part of a team, in project formulation and the execution of feasibility studies
  8. Have taken account of environmental and social issues and the human factor in analysing and designing engineering or other complex systems
  9. Understand the principles of sustainable development
  10. Have a basic competency in the use of word processors, spreadsheets, graphics packages and project management software
  11. Use a style guide, write a report, present a set of logically related ideas in spoken and written form, implement appropriate meeting procedures, and prepare and deliver a seminar