8 x 3-hour tutorials per semester
8 x 13-hour independent studies per semester
1 Admission into BNGU-Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration)
2 2 of NURS1001, NURS1003
Must Satisfy: (1 and 2)
Assignments; Oral;Tutorial presentation.
Topic description
This topic facilitates a broad understanding of health and healthcare from the perspective of the consumer and carers, with a focus on diversity and special needs, and challenges assumptions of 'normal'.
Educational aims
The aims of this topic are to:

  • promote a broad understanding of health and healthcare from the perspectives of the general population, as well as users of health services and their families and carers

  • discuss the concept of 'quality use of medicines'

  • enable students to understand the distribution of illness in the Australian population and methods to measure and intervene across primary and secondary prevention strategies

  • focus on:

  • diversity, special needs and vulnerability

  • the aged population

  • death and dying at the end of life

  • challenge assumptions about what is 'normal' and about wellness..

Expected learning outcomes
On successful completion of this topic students will be able to:

  • critique qualitative and quantitative evidence to identify ways in which a range of characteristics, such as age, gender, class, race, ethnicity and indigeneity, sexual preference, religion and spirituality, and their intersections, influence the health of people from priority population groups in Australia

  • identify issues relating to aged care, death and dying, end-of-life care and palliative care in practice, including legal issues

  • describe and begin to explain possible experiences in healthcare settings of people from priority population groups and locate evidence about their healthcare needs

  • identify factors that influence access to the social goods among people from priority population groups

  • compare and critically discuss access to healthcare services from the perspective of range of priority groups, in terms of the determinants of health, using research to support the discussion

  • describe and discuss the importance of congruent leadership theory to clinical leadership

  • challenge limiting ways of thinking about health and health care

  • respond appropriately to the needs of individuals and communities from priority populations through the application of basic concepts of epidemiology and techniques used for health prevention and promotion

  • identify ways in which healthcare consumers (within population groups) access information to facilitate decision-making about their healthcare requirements

  • describe the principles of 'quality use of medicines' and the interprofessional/consumer partnerships associated with the concept.