1 x 3-hour workshop weekly
1 x 8-hour independent study weekly
Enrolment not permitted
EDSP9008 has been successfully completed
Assignments; Tests; Tutorial Participation
Topic description
The focus of this topic is the education of people with physical and multiple disabilities. The disabilities explored may be developmental, disabilities acquired following trauma, or age onset disabilities, and will generally be permanent and long term. Exploration of the educational influence will include a study of the effects of interventions and differing environmental contexts on people¿s skills acquisition. Skills acquisition is evaluated according to facilitation of genuine inclusion of people with severe and multiple disabilities in school, home, community and vocational life. A multi-disciplinary approach will be emphasised, as this supports the skills development of teachers and other human service professionals.
Educational aims
The aim of the topic is for students to learn about and understand:

  • The nature and causes of physical and multiple disabilities.

  • The extent to which "best practices" in education, health and welfare enable people with physical and/or multiple disabilities to realise their talents and aspirations.

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic students must demonstrate they can:

  1. Identify abnormalities of motor development and be able to prescribe instructional and management programs which suppress the incidence of motor abnormality

  2. Give examples of the motor, sensory and learning difficulties experienced by children with physical and multiple disabilities

  3. Give examples of education intervention programs that facilitate the learning of people with physical and multiple disabilities

  4. Give examples of assessment processes and instructional procedures for people with physical and multiple disabilities

  5. Give examples of collaborative practice in relation to the education of people with physical and multiple disabilities.