Associate Lecturer
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Eleanor Watson is a PhD Candidate and Associate Lecturer in Disability and Community Inclusion at Flinders University. Eleanor is currently investigating communication access in mental health support for people who expereince significant communication difficulties.
Prior to commencing doctorate studies, Eleanor was employed in the disability and human services sector. Most recently, practising as a Developmental Educator working with people with disabilities and co-existing mental health problems. It was during this time that Eleanor noted the challenges facing people with communication difficulties in accessing effective support to manage and maintain optimum mental health and wellbeing. These expereinces led to further research into the expereinces of people who expereince communciation difficulties and mental ill-health or emotional distress.
Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (Hons), Flinders University.
2022 - HDR Student Travel Grant, Flinders University.
2020 - AGOSCI Annual Research Grant, AGOSCI.
2018 - University Medal for Academic Achievement, Flinders University.
2018 - Chancellor's Letter of Recommendation, Flinders University.
2016 - Nicole Senter Training and Development Scholarship, Cara.