1 x 2-hour workshop weekly
2 x 1-hour on-line lectures weekly
1 x 1-hour on-line tutorial weekly
Enrolment not permitted
1 of HLTH1004, HLTH1210 has been successfully completed
Assumed knowledge
Students will be expected to have a general understanding of how the physical world is made up of atoms and ions, linked through chemical bonds, to form molecules which can interact to form larger complex structures, from cells up to the level of living organisms.
Topic description
Each week, a specific part of the human body will be explored, based on every-day experience, to develop an understanding of its basic structure and function. Examples of how normal physiology can be disrupted in disease, by toxins or by drugs will be contrasted with normal regulation. The first two weeks will provide an introduction to the molecules of the human body and their roles in cells. In the next five weeks, how the body eliminates wastes, obtains molecular raw materials, and transports these to cells will be discussed, introducing the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and renal systems. The focus will then shift to control mechanisms, introducing the sensory and central nervous systems, the musculoskeletal system, endocrine and reproductive systems. The topic will consist of 13 one-week modules, each with two lectures, followed by a summative online test. The test will be based on lecture notes provided in the two lectures. Students will be asked to identify problem areas online. A third "Feedback and Summary Tutorial" will then be given, summarising the week's work, fixing up areas of misunderstanding and, time permitting, to introducing non-examinable contextual material of general interest.
Educational aims
At the end of the topic, students will:

  • understand the relationship between molecules, cells, tissues, organs in the human body, in general terms

  • be able to describe the roles of the major organ systems of the human body

  • be able to relate the basic structure to the function of some of the major organs at a cellular level

  • understand the principle of homeostasis in the regulation of body systems

  • have an appreciation that the normal physiological control can be modified in disease and by drugs, toxins etc

Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this topic:

  • Students will have a general understanding of the structure and function of the healthy human body

  • The topic will provide a general preparation for more specialised biomedical topics in future years, including more advanced physiology and neuroscience topics

  • Students will appreciate the value of scientific study of the body using a reductionist approach, while appreciating that normal function requires integration of multiple systems

  • Students will start to apply the knowledge developed in this topic to understand their own body's function in health