Alexandra Manson

Research Assistant

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Alexandra Manson is a PhD candidate and the Co-ordinator of School Food Research in the Caring Futures Institute, Healthy Start to Life focus. Alexandra's research focusses on improving children and families health behaviours, specifically looking at food consumed and provided within school.

Her thesis is examining perceptions of the current school food system and the features that influence parental acceptability of a potential school-provided meal system in Australia. Further, she co-ordinates research exploring the potential transformation of the school food system with a team of national collaborators. Alexandra is the Higher Degree Research student representative in CNHS and South Australia committee member for Home Economics Institute of Australia.

Alexandra is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with experience in public health nutrition.

Research interests:

  • Children and families
  • School food
  • Food insecurity


Honours, awards and grants

FUSA Professional Development Grant (2023)

Flinders University High Degree by Research International Field Trip Award (2023)

International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Children and Families Special Interest Group Travel Award (2023)

Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (2022-2025)

King and Amy O’Malley Trust Postgraduate Scholarship (2022-2024)

Dietitians Australia SA CPD Grant (2021)

Key responsibilities

Co-ordination of school food research

  • Food service
  • Parent food provision
  • School food
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