Dr Amin Mahmoudi

Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering

College of Science and Engineering

place Tonsley Building (5.15)
1284 South Road, Clovelly Park SA 5042


Amin Mahmoudi (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD degrees all in electrical engineering. His main research interest includes where the electrical energy conversion plays a major role, such as the electrical machines and drives, renewable energy systems, and hybrid power networks. It includes the transportation electrification in which the sustainable energy efficient solutions are realized by advanced electric motors, power electronics, energy management systems and controls for electrified powertrains, and electric vehicles. He has authored/co-authored over 180 papers in international journals and conferences. He is a member of the Engineers Australia (MIEAust) and a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng).

Research Interests

  • Desing of Electrical Machines
  • Energy Storage and Electric Vehicles
  • Renewable Energy Systems for Residential Houses
  • Distributed Generation and Power System Analysis

PhD in Electrical Engineering (2013), University of Malaya, Malaysia

MSc in Electrical Engineering (2008), Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

BSc in Electrical Engineering (2005), Shiraz University, Iran

Honours, awards and grants

Best paper award, 32nd Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2022, Adelaide, Australia.

Key responsibilities

Deputy HDR Coordinator (College of Science and Engineering)

Course Coordinator (Electrical & Electronic Engineering, and Robotic Engineering)

Topic coordinator
ENGR7821 Electrical Power Systems
ENGR7812 Power Electronics
ENGR7720 Advanced Studies in Engineering A
Topic lecturer
ENGR7821 Electrical Power Systems
ENGR7812 Power Electronics
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Electrical Machines and Drives (4), Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Systems (2)
Associate supervisor: Computer Vision (1)
Principal supervisor: Electrical Machines and Drives (1), Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Systems (2)
Higher degree by research student achievements
Rahmat Khezri

Marie Curie Master Class Package (2021) from Aarhus University in Denmark -

Emad Roshandel

Chris Marlin Postgraduate Publication of the Year Award (2022) -

Mehrdad Aghamohamadi

Finalist of Pitch Competition in Bridgestone World Solar Challenge (2019) -

Mehrdad Aghamohamadi

Best HDR Publication of the Year Award (2020) -

Mehrdad Aghamohamadi

Chris Marlin Postgraduate Publication of the Year Award (2019) -

Rahmat Khezri

South Australian Fresh Scientist (2019) -

Rahmat Khezri

Mawon Lake Fellowship Program to undertake 6-month research studies at University of Tsukuba (2019) -

Further information

PhD Scholarship Opportunities

Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (AGRTPS) and Flinders International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (FIPRS) are two competitive scholarships open to international research applicants. Application deadlines for these scholarships are usually early August.

If interested in putting an application and have good publication record in quality journals and meet the English Language Requirements of Flinders University, please contact me to discuss your proposed research project.

You may check the application process for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at Flinders University.

Postdoctoral Fellowships Opportunities

I am highly interested to host postdoctoral fellows in my research group to collaborate with our research team and to conduct high-quality and impactful research in design of electric machines. Interested applicants should contact me to discuss their research proposal and after approval can apply for Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA).