Dr Amir Zanj

Lecturer in Engineering

College of Science and Engineering

+61 8 8201 5858
place Tonsley Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Amir Zanj received his B.Sc in 2004 and M.Sc. in 2007 in Mechanical and Aerospace engineering from K.N. Toosi University of technology, Tehran, Iran. During 2004 - 2012, he was involved in national space program at Space System Research Centre (SSRC). In SSRC he performed as space vehicle propulsion system R&D engineer developing complex system dynamic models for Space Flight dynamic investigation and propulsion system design, modification and fault detection. During his time at SSRC His team managed to execute a successful Low Earth to Orbit (LEO) satellite launch. He received his Ph.D. in complex system physics-based modeling from Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia in 2017. His postgraduate study dedicated to develop an integrated modeling framework for Aerothermoelasticity at Advanced Control System Research Group (ACSRG) at Flinders University. His research interests are complex system design and modification, multi-physical dynamics, Bond Graph modeling, aerospace propulsion systems (hydro-control, turbomachinery and combustion) and physical-based numerical methods. He is a recipient of 2012 Australian Postgraduate Award. Dr. Zanj is the originator of Physical Decomposition Method (PDM) and Variable Interface Dynamic Adaptation (VIDA) technique. Currently, he is a professional academic staff and a research associate at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. Dr. Zanj has also been a professional member of SmartSat CRC, Win4.0 and AIAA. His new research interests include Integrated Computer Aided Engineering (I-CAE) technique for multidisciplinary systems design and performance optimization, physics-based distributed system modeling, hydroulics valves, smart systems, industrial automation and IoT.

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) Jun 2012 – Jun 2017

Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

  • Master of Engineering (Aerospace engineering-Propulsion) Sep 2005 – Sep 2008

K. N. Toosi University of technology

Being selected as distinguished student

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical engineering- Fluid mechanics ) Sep 1999 – Sep 2005

K. N. Toosi University of technology

Topic lecturer
ENGR3761 Applied Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
ENGR2751 Fluid Mechanics
PHYS2712 Thermodynamics and Energy Systems
Expert for media contact
Energy - Wind
Available for contact via
+61 8 8201 5858
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Aviation
  • Energy - Wind
  • Technology
Further information

If you have an interest in research in Aerospace and Mechanical engineering and you are a suitably qualified candidate, then possibilities may exist to pursue a PhD within Flinders University. Those of you interested in a PhD position in Advanced wind turbine, Energy Storage Systems, Dynamic system modelling, Bond Graph, Hydro-Control systems (hydraulic robotics and smart system), Aerospace advanced propulsion, Multi physical systems, Advanced thermodynamics, Thermofluid Machines, and Smart Ag.Tech. systems, please send me your CV.

You may check the following links before contacting me.

Application process for a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at Flinders University.


Flinders University English Requirements.


For information regarding opportunities for available scholarships, please look at the following webpage:


Please see some further information about the PhD Scholarships available at Flinders University in below.

China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship offers funding for Chinese students who would like to study a PhD in Australia. Furthermore, PhD students currently studying in China can apply for a CSC visiting PhD scholarship. Please contact me directly if interested.

CSIRO scholarships https://jobs.csiro.au/go/Students/990500/

Wine Australia https://www.wineaustralia.com/research/applying-for-funding/phd-and-masters-by-research-scholarships

Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships and Flinders University Postgraduate Scholarships are competitive scholarships open to both domestic and international research applicants.

More information on these scholarships and the application deadlines/requirements are outlined at Scholarships website. Application deadlines for International Students are usually Early August. Application deadlines for International Students are usually Late October.

The College of Science and Engineering each year offers a small number of research awards to domestic applicants for postgraduate research. It is due late July.

Are you eligible for the Australian Awards?


Are you eligible to apply for the available International Student Scholarships at Flinders?

