Professor Amy Roberts

Matthew Flinders Professor

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

+61 8 8201 2217
place Humanities
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Amy Roberts, a Matthew Flinders Professor, is an archaeologist and anthropologist who is committed to meaningful and long-term collaborations with Traditional Owners. She primarily works with Aboriginal communities in South Australia. In particular she has worked closely with Aboriginal peoples from the River Murray and Yorke Peninsula regions. In recent years she has focused on the pre and post-contact archaeology of the Riverland and the ways in which Narungga people have and continue to engage with their seascape

Amy is a Future Fellow for the ARC project 'From Baskets to Boomerangs: Lifeways, Knowledges and Colonial Legacies' FT230100499, the lead investigator for the ARC projects 'Rockshelters and Rock Art in the River Murray Gorge: New Data and Syntheses' LP200200803 and 'White People had the Gun: Interrogating the Riverland's Colonial Frontier' LP170100479 and is a CI on the projects 'Co-designing Aboriginal Digital Museuology Frameworks in the Southern Gulfs' LP230200283, 'Ochre Archaeomicrobiology' DP190102219 and 'A National Facility for the 3D Imaging of the Near Surface' LE210100037.

Prior to her appointment as an academic at Flinders University Amy worked as an expert to the Federal Court for a number of native title cases – including for the First Peoples of the River Murray and Mallee Region which achieved a successful determination. She continues to work in a consulting capacity on native title, Aboriginal heritage and stolen generations matters.

  • Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) Flinders University
  • Graduate Certificate of Applied Anthropology (Native Title and Cultural Heritage) University of Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Archaeology) Flinders University
Honours, awards and grants


  • 2023: Matthew Flinders Professorship
  • 2022: Flinders University Reconciliation Award
  • 2022: Flinders University Certificate of Excellence in HDR Supervision
  • 2020: Flinders University College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Research Excellence Award
  • 2015: Flinders University Faculty of Education, Law and Humanities Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 2014: Australian Archaeological Association: Bruce Veitch Award for Excellence in Indigenous Engagement


  • 2024: ARC LP230200283
  • 2023: ARC FT230100499
  • 2023: ANSTO Award AS233/XFM/20329
  • 2022: ANSTO Award AS223/PD/18922
  • 2021: ARC LP200200803 (Lead CI)
  • 2021: ARC LE210100037 (CI)
  • 2021: ANSTO Award AP16560
  • 2021: ANSTO Award AP12957
  • 2020: ANSTO Award AP12393
  • 2020: ANSTO Award AP12553
  • 2019: ARC DP19012219 (CI)
  • 2019: ANSTO Award AP12115
  • 2018: ANSTO Award AP11925
  • 2018: ANSTO Award AP11268
  • 2018: ANSTO Award AP11268
  • 2017: ARC LP170100479 (Lead CI)
  • 2016: International Society for Archaeological Prospection
  • 2018: Natural Resources SA Murray-Darling Basin, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources
  • 2016: ANSTO Award AP10306
  • 2015: AINSE Award 15018
  • 2014: AINSE Award 14516
  • 2014: AINSE Award 14011
  • 2013: AINSE Award 13503
  • 2012-2014: Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage/Social Sciences and Humanities Research of Canada
  • 2011: AINSE Award 11036
  • 2011: Flinders University Re-entry Fellowship
  • 2010: State Government of South Australia - PIRSA
  • 2010: State Government of South Australia - Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division
Key responsibilities

Administrative and Organisational Roles

Amy is a current member of the ARC's College of experts and has also been a detailed assessor for the following categories: Laureates, Future Fellowhips, DECRAs, Discovery Projects, Linkage Projects, SRI and LIEF. She has also been a reviewer for numerous Q1 journals as well as Oxford and Routledge Books.

Amy has held various external organisational roles since 2000 including:

  • Editorial Committee Member for Australian Archaeology.
  • Member of the Australian National Committee for Archaeology Teaching and Learning.
  • Short Reports Editor and Editorial Commeitte Member for Australian Archaeology.
  • Editorial Committee Member, Book Review Editor and State Convenor for the Alternative Law Journal.
  • Editor of the Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia.
  • Councillor for the Anthropological Society of South Australia.
  • South Australian Representative for the Australian Archaeological Association.
  • South Australian Museum Board Advisory Committee.

She is currently a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Rock Art Research and the La Trobe Univeristy's Archaeological Course Advisory Committee.

Amy has also held numerous high-level positions at Flinders University including:

  • Acting Dean of Education for the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.
  • Teaching Program Director for History, Archaeology, Geography and Indigenous Studies.
  • Head of the Archaeology Department.
  • Member of the Education, Humanities and Law Faculty Board.
Further information

Professional Memberships

  • Australian Anthropological Association - Fellow
  • Australian Institute of Aboriginal Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies - Member
  • Australian Archaeological Association - Member
  • Anthropological Society of South Australia - Member
  • World Archaeological Congress - Member
  • Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage - Associate Scholar
  • Australian Rock Art Research Association - Member